No Requirement for Targeted Theophylline Levels for Diuretic Effect of Aminophylline in Critically Ill Children
Aminophylline administration provided a measure of increased diuresis, regardless of dosage, and theophylline trough levels. Therefore, achieving a prescribed therapeutic trough level may not be necessary for full diuretic effect. Because, as opposed to the diuretic effect, the side effect profile of aminophylline is dose-dependent, low maintenance dosing may optimize the balance between providing adjunctive diuretic effect while minimizing the risk of toxicity. Patient cohort data including demographics, daily aminophylline, furosemide and chlorothiazide dosing, theophylline trough levels, fluid intake, urine output and total fluid balance, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine levels were abstracted. Electronic medical records of all PICU patients admitted from July 2010 to June 2015 were reviewed.