Outcomes of COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Australian ICUs During Early Pandemic Phase
mja.com.auDuring the early phase of the pandemic in Australia, patients admitted to ICU with COVID-19 had lower mortality and longer length of stay than reported from other regions. These findings reinforce the importance of ensuring adequate local ICU capacity, particularly given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases.
This study had comprehensive coverage of ICUs in Australia, providing unique, nationally representative data in a health care system operating within its capacity. The data were collected using a standardised CRF, with experienced data collectors, and included daily data fields for the first 28 days.
The long duration of follow-up was complemented with near complete outcome data. The limitations include the observational nature of the study, with inevitable confounding among therapeutic factors associated with mortality and other characteristics.
We did not collect data on COVID-19 patients who were not admitted to the ICU, and as such, our study does not explore the complex decision making process around ICU admission.