Pediatric Hypertension and Hypertensive Emergencies: Recognition and Management in the Emergency Department

Pediatric hypertension generally presents to the ED in 2 forms: (1) the otherwise asymptomatic child with elevated blood pressure, and (2) the child with a true hypertensive emergency. This issue provides recommendations to ensure that asymptomatic patients with hypertension receive appropriate testing and referrals and outlines a systematic approach for the evaluation and treatment of patients with severe hypertension.

Pediatric hypertension is increasing in incidence, but remains greatly under-recognized, despite its severe long-term health consequences. Often discovered as incidental to another complaint, pediatric patients with hypertension may be asymptomatic but with markedly abnormal blood pressure, or they may have a true hypertensive emergency. This issue provides strategies to ensure that the child with asymptomatic hypertension receives appropriate screening and referrals, and outlines a systematic approach for the evaluation and treatment of the critically ill child who presents with symptoms of severe hypertension.

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