Perioperative Care of Patients with Fragility Fractures During the COVID-19 Pandemic
High quality prompt care of all people with hip and other fragility fractures is a key component of helping with patient outcomes and bed occupancy during the coronavirus pandemic.
Anaesthetists have a key role in ensuring timely, safe and efficient care. Early surgery remains the focus in managing patients with hip fracture and confirmed or suspected Coronavirus infection is not a reason to delay or cancel surgery.
Most people with Coronavirus will survive, even those with frailty. Risks after a fragility fracture are increased but surgery is humane, facilitates nursing care and will reduce overall impact on health and social care services.
Regional and spinal anaesthesia should be used where possible as this may reduce opioid requirements and workload for staff.
As fragility fracture surgery is an aerosol generating procedure, anaesthetists and the theatre team must wear appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with PHE guidance.
This guidance has been written by a multidisciplinary group of anaesthetists, surgeons and orthogeriatricians to support clinicians in decision making and planning at a difficult time.