Practical Transfusion Medicine
The fifth edition of this practical textbook on transfusion medicine has been thoroughly revised with the latest in scientific and technological developments and edited by a leading team of international expert hematologists, including new co-editor Mark H. Yazer MD.
The concise and comprehensive content covers the diverse field of transfusion medicine including; the fields of hemostasis, immunology, transplantation and cellular engineering; apheresis technology; treatment using recombinant and plasma-derived plasma proteins; and the daily use of blood components in clinical medicine.
The seven sections of this book guide the reader systematically through the key areas of the speciality; principles of transfusion medicine; complications of transfusion; practice in blood centres and hospitals; clinical transfusion practice; patient blood management; cellular and tissue therapy and organ transplantation; and development of the evidence base for transfusion.
This book offers:
- A succinct and user-friendly resource of transfusion medicine for clinicians, scientists and trainees with key points, charts and algorithms.
- Discusses practice in blood centres and hospitals including regulatory aspects, transfusion safety, production and storage, donor care, and blood transfusion in a global context.
- Coverage of cellular and tissue therapies and organ transplantation including stem cell collection and hematopoietic stem cell processing and storage.
- Review of the development of the evidence-base for transfusion medicine.
- Content on the clinical practice for transfusion and alternatives to transfusion.