Public Sepsis Awareness Campaigns Should Be Created Based on Local Data
Although public knowledge of sepsis and its mortality is generally low, some countries have high awareness and knowledge, and as such, any public awareness campaigns should be created based on local data.
This will also support tailoring campaign sources, modes, and materials to maximize uptake.
Future research should include a consistent definition of sepsis and a complete understanding of the impacts of changing sepsis awareness on sepsis-related morbidity and mortality.
Of 5,927 unique studies, 80 reported on patient (n = 13/80;16.3%), public (n = 15/80;18.8%), or healthcare professional (nurses, physicians, emergency medical technicians) (n = 48/80; 60%) awareness and knowledge of sepsis. Healthcare professional awareness and knowledge of sepsis is high compared with patients/public.
The proportion of patients/public who had heard of the term sepsis ranged from 2% (Japan) to 88.6% (Germany).