Quetiapine Decreases Mortality and Improve Neurological Outcomes in Critically-ill TBI Patients
journals.lww.comQuetiapine may decrease mortality and improve neurological outcomes in critically-ill traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. It has a dose-dependent effect to decrease intracranial pressure (ICP) and increase cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Quetiapine may be a potential therapeutic modality in critically-ill TBI patients, but further studies are required to explore these mechanisms.
A matched cohort of (quetiapine: 116 vs. no-quetiapine: 232) patients was obtained.
Mean age 65Ā±21 years, median head-AIS 3, and median GCS was 10.
The median quetiapine dose given was 50mg.
Patients who received quetiapine had lower mortality and a higher median GCS at discharge but no difference in ICU-LOS or discharge to skilled nursing facility.