Seizure Detection Algorithms in Critically Ill Children

Some commercially available seizure detection algorithms demonstrate performance for seizure detection that is comparable to that of electroencephalography experts using quantitative electroencephalography displays.

Continuous raw electroencephalography recordings (n = 19) were analyzed by a neurophysiologist to identify seizures.

These algorithms may have utility as early warning systems that prompt review of quantitative electroencephalography or raw electroencephalography tracings, potentially leading to more timely seizure identification in critically ill patients.

Of the 379 seizures identified on raw electroencephalography, ICTA-S detected 36.9%, NB detected 92.3%, Persyst 11 detected 75.9%, and Persyst 13 detected 74.4%, whereas electroencephalography experts identified 76.5% of seizures using color density spectral array and 73.7% using amplitude-integrated electroencephalography.

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