Sunlight Linked to Lower COVID-19 Deaths
Our analysis suggests that higher ambient UVA exposure is associated with lower COVID‐19 specific mortality. Further research on the mechanism may indicate novel treatments. Optimised UVA exposure may have population health benefits.
The Mortality Risk Ratio (MRR), in the USA, falls by 29% (40% ‐15% (95% CI)) per 100 (KJ/m2) increase in mean daily UVA.
We replicate this in independent studies in Italy and England and estimate a pooled decline in MRR of 32% (48%‐12%) per 100 KJ/m2 across the three studies.
COVID‐19 deaths at the county level, across the USA, were modelled in a Zero Inflated Negative Binomial model with a random effect for States adjusting for confounding by demographic, socioeconomic and long‐term environmental variables.
Only areas where UVB was too low to be inducing significant cutaneous vitamin D3 synthesis were modelled.