The Autumn Ghost: How the Battle Against a Polio Epidemic Revolutionized Modern Medical Care

“The Autumn Ghost” is a suspenseful and authoritative account that explores how the battle against a polio epidemic in the mid-20th century led to a revolution in medical care.

Dr. Hannah Wunsch focuses on the autumn of 1952 when polio struck homes in northern countries, earning it the moniker of “the autumn ghost.”

The book highlights the crucial role of intensive care units and mechanical ventilation, which were born out of the desperate need to save the lives of polio patients suffering from respiratory failure.

Through compelling testimonies from medical professionals and patients, Wunsch paints a gripping narrative of the epidemic’s impact on the world.

The story delves into the radical advancements in care that emerged from a overwhelmed hospital in Copenhagen, including the development of life support, the establishment of intensive care units, and the evolution of rehabilitation medicine.

Ultimately, “The Autumn Ghost” leaves readers in awe of the courage displayed by those fighting the polio epidemic and grateful for the transformative medical care they pioneered.

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