The effects of performance status one week before hospital admission on the outcomes of critically ill patients
PS impairment was associated with worse outcomes independently of other markers of chronic health status, particularly for patients in the medium range of severity of illness. PS impairment was moderate in 17.3 % and severe in 6.9 % of patients. The hospital mortality was 14.4 %. Overall, the worse the PS, the higher the ICU and hospital mortality and length of stay. In addition, patients with worse PS were less frequently discharged home. PS impairment was associated with worse outcomes in all SAPS 3, Charlson Comorbidity Index and age quartiles as well as according to the admission type. Adjusting for other relevant clinical characteristics, PS impairment was associated with higher hospital mortality (odds-ratio (OR) = 1.96 (95 % CI 1.63–2.35), for moderate and OR = 4.22 (3.32–5.35), for severe impairment). The effects of PS on the outcome were particularly relevant in the medium range of severity-of-illness. These results were consistent in the subgroup analyses. However, adding PS impairment to the SAPS 3 score improved only slightly its discriminating capability.