The Evolving Armamentarium of COVID-19 Therapeutics
Multiple repositories have been created for the vast scientific outpouring of COVID-19 research.
The NIH regularly updates its treatment guidelines, which will be the primary reference for this review.
To cut to the chase, there are only three drugs specifically recommended to treat COVID-19 in hospitalized patients: oxygen, remdesivir, and dexamethasone. That’s it! As of this writing, bamlanivab is not on the NIH recommended list, but that may change in the weeks ahead following FDA Emergency Use Authorization.
There is no role for hydroxychloroquine. The NIH recommends against its use, with or without azithromycin, in any population (other than clinical trials).
COVID-19 increases the risk of thrombosis. The NIH recommends anticoagulant therapy any time thrombosis is suspected. Multiple studies suggest that anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy may be beneficial in hospitalized patients.