Thrombotic and Bleeding Complications During Antithrombotic Treatment
Remarkable progress has been made in the pharmacological management of patients with cardiovascular disease, including the frequent use of antithrombotic agents. Nonetheless, bleeding complications remain frequent and potentially life-threatening.
The Issue opens with two related State of the Art Review articles on an important clinical topic: reversal of antithrombotic drugs.
In the first State of the Art Review article entitled “Reversal and removal of oral antithrombotic drugs in patients with active or perceived imminent bleeding”, Davide Cao from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, NY, USA, and colleagues note that therapeutic interventions relying on prompt antithrombotic drug reversal or removal have been developed to assist clinicians in treating patients with active bleeding or an imminent threat of major bleeding due to urgent surgery or invasive procedures.