Treating Hypoxia in Discharged COVID-19 Patients
The ICU technique of placing a hypoxic patient in a prone position is being widely used to care for COVID-19 patients in respiratory distress to improve oxygenation and possibly to avoid intubation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also precipitated a marked increase in home pulse oximetry use, and emergency physicians may be tasked with initiating the process.
Home pulse oximetry was previously used occasionally by patients with hypoxemia or conditions that could produce hypoxemia, usually chronic lung disease.
An oxygen saturation below 94% is usually designated hypoxia, but a saturation below 88% is often the benchmark for those with chronic lung disease.
Patients with COVID-19 often suffer from hypoxemia at some time during their course, and detecting it is paramount for managing those who have been discharged after ED evaluation. Instructing patients on the proper use of an FDA-approved pulse oximeter is a relatively new mandate for emergency physicians.