Turn the Lights On!: A Physician’s Personal Journey from the Darkness of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to Hope, Healing, and Recovery
amazon.comOften misdiagnosed and misunderstood, traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be a life-altering event which can produce a wide range of symptoms affecting physical as well as psychological health. Indeed, all senses can be affected, especially sight and sound, producing errors in judgment, loss of memory, and difficulty processing information.
Now, a physician shares her personal journey with TBI after suffering a life changing accident.
In this touching and informative book, Dr. Chrisanne Gordon chronicles her struggles, the high points as well as the lows, as she is challenged to make sense of what happened and realizes that her medical training did not prepare her for these struggles.
With intimate detail she explains what it is like to have mTBI, how it affected her life, and what was needed for healing and recovery.
Perhaps, most importantly, Turn the Lights On! is a beacon of hope and understanding for anyone who has experienced a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion, and a guide for their loved ones, caregivers, and health care providers who assist with their recovery.