Use of a Machine Learning Model to Predict Iatrogenic Hypoglycemia
jamanetwork.comThese findings suggest that iatrogenic hypoglycemia can be predicted in a short-term prediction horizon after each BG measurement during hospitalization.
Further studies are needed to translate this model into a real-time informatics alert and evaluate its effectiveness in reducing the incidence of inpatient iatrogenic hypoglycemia.
This cohort study included 54,978 admissions (35,147 inpatients; median [interquartile range] age, 66.0 [56.0-75.0] years; 27,781 [50.5%] male; 30,429 [55.3%] White) from 5 hospitals.
Of 1 612,425 index BG measurements, 50,354 (3.1%) were followed by iatrogenic hypoglycemia in the subsequent 24 hours.
A total of 43 clinical predictors of iatrogenic hypoglycemia were extracted from the electronic medical record, including demographic characteristics, diagnoses, procedures, laboratory data, medications, orders, anthropomorphometric data, and vital signs.