Why and How to Open ICU to Family Visits During the Pandemic
Since the lockdown because of the pandemic, family members have been prohibited from visiting their loved ones in hospital. While it is clearly complicated to implement protocols for the admission of family members, we believe precise strategic goals are essential and operational guidance is needed on how to achieve them.
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has unfortunately made it necessary to restrict or prohibit access to hospitals for patients’ relatives.
There is ample awareness in the healthcare world of how much suffering these decisions, while necessary, have caused in all those involved: patients and family in the first place, but also doctors and nurses.
Current knowledge and the guaranteed availability of PPE allow us to favor a careful, progressive resumption of opening to family visits, always in full respect of the patient’s wishes.
We believe there are no substantial reasons why family members should not be allowed in the CoViD wards: It may be not only useful, but even necessary.
In the specific setting of each hospital, all possibilities should be explored to promptly restore good “humanizing” practices in both intensive and non-intensive care units.