Why physician mindfulness could improve patient care and prevent health care disparities


Most recently, we hypothesized that mindfulness might have even further benefits for patients, in terms of reducing racial and ethnic inequalities in care. Studies have shown health care providers hold implicit racial and ethnic biases that may contribute to unequal care, yet little progress has been made in addressing these unconscious cognitive processes. We think that meditation training designed to increase health care providers’ mindfulness skills may be one promising solution.

We don’t know for sure what all the benefits of mindfulness might be or how to achieve them. But for now, it seems like a promising strategy to improve the equity and overall quality of care. As many experienced physicians have told me, it might be enough to pause, take a deep breath and clear our minds, as well as we can, before we greet each new patient. It might improve the way we communicate with, diagnose and treat patients, and it will probably make our days less stressful?

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