Issue #253   -   Past Critical Care Newsletter issues
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Postoperative Sepsis Infection Can Be Identified Using Gene Expression Signatures
Postoperative Sepsis Infection Can Be Identified Using Gene Expression Signatures
Host biomarker signatures may be able to identify postoperative infection or sepsis up to three days in advance of clinical recognition. If validated in future studies, these signatures offer potential diagnostic utility... read more
Tags: biomarkers, diagnosis, infection, sepsis, study, surgery,
Sepsis Management: PIRO and MODS
Sepsis Management: PIRO and MODS
This book is unique in approaching multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) from the perspective of its pathophysiological mechanism, and addressing aspects that are overlooked in most of the available literature. Eminent... read more
Tags: antibiotics, book, infection, MODS, sepsis, treatment,
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Bleeding and Thrombotic Events in Patients with Severe COVID‑19 on ECMO
Bleeding and Thrombotic Events in Patients with Severe COVID‑19 on ECMO
In a nationwide cohort of COVID‑19 patients supported by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), bleeding incidence was high and associated with mortality. Intracranial hemorrhage incidence was higher than reported... read more
Tags: ARDS, bleeding, COVID-19, ECMO, hemorrhage, SOFA, study, thrombosis,
CRT-targeted Fluid Resuscitation vs. Lactate-targeted in Septic Shock
CRT-targeted Fluid Resuscitation vs. Lactate-targeted in Septic Shock
Capillary refill time (CRT)-targeted fluid resuscitation in septic shock was not superior to a lactate-targeted one on early fluid administration or fluid balances. However, it was associated with comparable effects on regional... read more
Tags: hypoxia, lactate, oxygenation, resuscitation, sepsis, septic shock, study,
Trauma, Eighth Edition
Trauma, Eighth Edition
Hailed by readers and reviewers for its expert authorship and high-yield clinical content, Trauma is unquestionably the field’s definitive text. Enhanced by a full-color design and a high-quality atlas of anatomic drawings... read more
Tags: book, epidemiology, infection, trauma, triage,
Mental Health Morbidity Among Caregivers
Mental Health Morbidity Among Caregivers
While much of the research on post-ICU mental health morbidity has focused upon the survivors themselves, emerging data shows that caregivers of ICU patients are similarly impacted. The collective sequelae experienced by... read more
Tags: burnout, COVID-19, ICU, morbidity, mortality, PICS, PTSD, recovery, research, RRT,
Sepsis: Definitions, Pathophysiology and the Challenge of Bedside Management
Sepsis: Definitions, Pathophysiology and the Challenge of Bedside Management
A comprehensive and state-of-the-art resource for clinicians who care for patients with sepsis and research scientist alike. Patients with severe sepsis requiring ICU admission have very high rates of ICU and overall hospital... read more
Tags: book, ICU, research, sepsis, septic shock,
Developing a Decision Instrument to Guide Abdominal-pelvic Imaging of Blunt Trauma Patients
Developing a Decision Instrument to Guide Abdominal-pelvic Imaging of Blunt Trauma Patients
Although computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis (A/P) can provide crucial information for managing blunt trauma patients, liberal and indiscriminant imaging is expensive, can delay critical interventions, and... read more
Tags: imaging, radiography, study, tomography, trauma, ultrasound,
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Baricitinib in COVID-19 Patients
Baricitinib in COVID-19 Patients
In patients hospitalized with COVID-19, baricitinib significantly reduced the risk of death but the size of benefit was somewhat smaller than that suggested by previous trials. The total randomized evidence to date suggests... read more
Tags: corticosteroids, COVID-19, study, treatment, trial,
Nasotracheal Intubation on Postoperative Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease
Nasotracheal Intubation on Postoperative Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease
Nasotracheal intubation (NTI) is feasible and safe in neonatal cardiac surgery. System-level engagement with stakeholders is necessary to change clinical practice. NTI facilitates early SLP evaluation and treatment and significantly... read more
Tags: cardiology, intubation, neonates, pediatrics, study, surgery,
Expert Consensus on PeRcutaneous Cannulation for ECPR
Expert Consensus on PeRcutaneous Cannulation for ECPR
We present inclusion and exclusion criteria and a comprehensive, detailed, generalizable list of best practices for extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) initiation following refractory out-of-hospital cardiac... read more
Tags: cannulation, CPR, ECPR, OHCA, oxygenation, resuscitation,
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Public Sepsis Awareness Campaigns Should Be Created Based on Local Data
Public Sepsis Awareness Campaigns Should Be Created Based on Local Data
Although public knowledge of sepsis and its mortality is generally low, some countries have high awareness and knowledge, and as such, any public awareness campaigns should be created based on local data. This will also support... read more
Tags: awareness, infection, research, sepsis, septic shock,
Uncommon Diseases in the ICU
Uncommon Diseases in the ICU
This book highlights the practical characteristics of uncommon diseases and presents the most relevant features for the management of intensive care units. It does not aim to provide an exhaustive description of uncommon... read more
Tags: book, coronavirus, COVID-19, epidemiology, ICU, treatment,
Sedation Management Evolution in the ICU
Sedation Management Evolution in the ICU
This paper provided an overview of how ICU sedation practices have evolved over the last 20 years. Contemporary ICU sedation practices include light levels of sedation, SAT, and use of non-benzodiazepines. The current COVID-19... read more
Tags: COVID-19, guidelines, ICU, mechanical ventilation, recovery, sedation,
Families in the Intensive Care Unit: A Guide to Understanding, Engaging, and Supporting at the Bedside
Families in the Intensive Care Unit: A Guide to Understanding, Engaging, and Supporting at the Bedside
Written by experts in the field, Families in the Intensive Care Unit: A Guide to Understanding, Engaging and Supporting at the Bedside is a state-of-the-art reference for all clinicians who work with families in the ICU.... read more
Tags: book, communication, education, ICU,

Every week we scour the web to bring you the latest podcast episodes related to ICU and Critical Care Medicine. Here are the latest podcasts:

Trajectories of illness and critical care
How the arc of disease peaks and falls, and how the curve of our care should match it to avoid under- or over-treatment. Listen to podcast

Dogma in Critical Care
In this episode of the podcast, we will discuss dogma in critical care medicine. How do we fight dogma when the evidence is weak? Listen to podcast

ICU Travel Nursing Prior To CRNA School
In this episode, Jenny Finnell and SRNA Anna will talk you through the ICU experience you need to get you that edge when applying for CRNA school. Listen to podcast

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Adult Critical Care Procedures Course
Aug. 06, 2022 - Louisville, KY

This is a critical care procedures course to learn the essential techniques for intubations, central lines (including cordis and dialysis catheters), arterial lines, and chest tubes on adult patients.

5th Annual Anesthesiology Update
Aug. 12, 2022 - Mackinac Island, Michigan

The 5th Annual Anesthesiology Update presents the latest updates at the forefront of anesthesiology that you can apply to your practice immediately.

Critical Care Ultrasound
Aug. 16, 2022 - Rosemont, IL

Expand your fundamental echocardiographic skills and knowledge. This ultrasound smart course offers two options to attend in-person skill stations in Rosemont, Illinois, as well as additional learning options.

MCCR: Adult
Aug. 22, 2022 - Rosemont, IL

Receive the most comprehensive review and update of the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of critically ill adult patients.

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MRSA Protocols – Methods in Molecular Biology
MRSA Protocols – Methods in Molecular Biology
Presenting the most up-to-date techniques for the detection, genotyping, and investigation of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), this second edition of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Protocols collects...
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Pediatric Liver Intensive Care
Pediatric Liver Intensive Care
Acute management of children with liver disease and liver transplantation has rapidly evolved over the last two decades due to worldwide availability of complex liver surgery and liver transplantation. This book edited by...
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