Tapping into IV takes pain out of blood draws
The system allows nurses and doctors to draw blood from a patient by accessing his or her existing intravenous medication line, instead of repeatedly sticking the patient with a needle. “I’ve never in my career in medicine met anyone who enjoyed getting stuck with a needle,” said Browne, vice president of medical affairs at Griffin. Aside from the discomfort, he said, drawing blood can be difficult in some patients, including chronically ill or older patients whose veins aren’t as plump and easily accessible as those of younger, healthier patients. For Towne, who typically has his blood drawn around the clock during a hospital stay, the PIVO was a welcome addition. […] some patients with chronic illnesses, such as cancer, have a device called a port installed that allows them to get medication and have blood drawn. Valente said given how much easier and more comfortable the system is than conventional blood draws, he expects it to catch on quickly.