Priorities in Critical Care Nursing

Priorities in Critical Care Nursing

With its succinct coverage of all core critical care nursing topics, this evidence-based text is the perfect resource for both practicing nurses and nursing students alike. Using the latest, most authoritative research, this... read more

Ultrasound Program Management

Ultrasound Program Management

A Comprehensive Resource for Administrating Point-of-Care, Emergency, and Clinical Ultrasound. This book addresses the wide range of issues that face the program leader – from how to choose a site and how to negotiate for... read more

Basics of Mechanical Ventilation

Basics of Mechanical Ventilation

This book is a practical and easily understandable guide for mechanical ventilation. With a focus on the basics, this text begins with a detailed account of the mechanisms of spontaneous breathing as a reference point to... read more

ICU Manual

ICU Manual

This practical guide provides a multidisciplinary, clinically oriented approach to the management of patients in intensive care. The book discusses the complete range of specialties, including cardiology, pulmonology,... read more

Cytokine Storm Syndrome

Cytokine Storm Syndrome

Cytokine Storm Syndromes, including HLH and MAS, are frequently fatal disorders, particularly if not recognized early and treated during presentation. The genetics of Cytokine Storm Syndromes are being defined with many of... read more

ECMO in the Adult Patient (Core Critical Care)

ECMO in the Adult Patient (Core Critical Care)

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is developing rapidly, and is now part of the toolkit for the management of all patients with severe respiratory or cardiac failure. Clinicians of all disciplines are in need of... read more

Infectious Diseases A Clinical Short Course

Infectious Diseases A Clinical Short Course

Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short COURSE is a concise overview of this important field designed to help the busy physician, medical student, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant to understand, diagnose, and treat... read more

Critical Care Administration: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

Critical Care Administration: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

This book provides a state-of-the-art overview on critical care administration. The text reviews important aspects and considerations involved in developing an efficient, cost-effective critical care program, while maintaining... read more

The COVID-19 Vaccine: An Expert’s Medical Guide for All

The COVID-19 Vaccine: An Expert’s Medical Guide for All

Vaccine expert Zeil Rosenberg, M.D. shares his medical knowledge, backed by scientific data, about the development, safety and effectiveness of the new COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Rosenberg M.D. is a Board-Certified Preventive... read more

Severe Trauma and Sepsis: Organ Damage and Tissue Repair

Severe Trauma and Sepsis: Organ Damage and Tissue Repair

This book discusses recent progress in organ damage and tissue repair following severe trauma and sepsis. In part 1, it introduces the theory and clinical practice in organ damage. In part 2, it covers all the subjects... read more

Audible Premium Plus

Audible Premium Plus

Save 40% on your first 4 months of Audible Premium Plus. Treat yourself to Audible Premium Plus for just $8.95 a month for the first 4 months. Regular price $14.95/month. Amazon Prime members are invited to start an... read more

The Ventilator Book

The Ventilator Book

If you need something that teaches you both the concepts of mechanical ventilation and how to manage patients with respiratory failure, this is the book for you. The Ventilator Book is written to be read in the ICU or Emergency... read more

When Breath Becomes Air

When Breath Becomes Air

A powerful look at a stage IV lung cancer diagnosis through the eyes of a neurosurgeon. When Paul Kalanithi is given his diagnosis he is forced to see this disease, and the process of being sick, as a patient rather than... read more

Evidence-Based Critical Care

Evidence-Based Critical Care

This is the premier evidence-based textbook in critical care medicine. The Third Edition features updated and revised chapters, numerous new references, streamlined content, and new chapters on key topics such as the new... read more