Tag: cooling
The Faster Cooling Rate and More Stable Cooling Process in Endovascular Cooling Shorten Patients’ Time in ICU
This study conducted a meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness, stability, and safety of mild therapeutic hypothermia (TH) induced by endovascular cooling (EC) and surface cooling (SC) and its effect on ICU, survival rate,... read more

Can Cooling Patients Help After a Cardiac Arrest?
The cooling trial, involving nine UK hospitals, is being led by researchers at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Altogether, 1,900 patients worldwide are part of the trial, called TTM2. Half of patients were... read more

The Efficacy and Safety of Pre-hospital Cooling After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Mild therapeutic hypothermia (TH), or targeted temperature management, improves survival and neurological outcomes in patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). International guidelines strongly support initiating... read more

Pre-hospital therapeutic hypothermia: The RINSE trial
Therapeutic hypothermia has had a bit of a rollercoaster ride over the last few years. It was all the rage following three small trials, which initially suggested a significant benefit from cooling patients to 33C following... read more