Tag: education
Helping Without Harming
You've been resuscitating the patient for hours and finally caught up with volume. You come back on your next shift only to find your colleague has been diuresing them all day. What the heck were they thinking!?! This normal... read more

Hidden Curricula, Ethics, and Professionalism: Optimizing Clinical Learning Environments in Becoming and Being a Physician
The educational and social milieu of medical learning environments is a complex system of influences. Role models across peer relationships and the hierarchy of medicine contribute to the formation of professional identity,... read more

ECMO, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics
This issue of Critical Care Clinics focuses on Mechanical Circulartory Support. Editors Nitin Puri and Michael Baram have assembled an expert team of authors on topics such as: History of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation... read more

Why Do Nurses Quit?
Estimates are that up to 30-50% of nurses leave their position or quit nursing altogether in the first year. What drives nurses away? Some new grads do not survive the shock. Nursing school is insufficient preparation for... read more

Teaching Internal Medicine Residents About Palliative Care
A survey of nearly 800 resident physicians suggested that 90% deemed their residency education on the topic to be inadequate; 25% did not feel comfortable discussing end-of-life care with patients. Teachable moments in medicine... read more

Why Millennials are Choosing to be Physician Assistants, not Doctors
More and more young people are gravitating to the role of physician assistant over doctor. Several Delaware millennials cite its flexibility, condensed schooling, and cost as major reasons why they chose to become PAs. According... read more

Animal-assisted Intervention in the ICU: A Tool for Humanization
The combination of an aging population and advances in critical care medicine is resulting in a growing number of survivors of critical illness. Survivors' descriptions of their stay in an intensive care unit (ICU) are frequently... read more

Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Formerly Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Concepts and Applications, this fully updated Fourth Edition has been retitled Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications to reflect the increasing body of... read more

The Gene: An Intimate History
A fascinating and often sobering history of how humans came to understand the roles of genes in making us who we are. From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Emperor of All Maladies, a fascinating history of the gene... read more

Mastering Intensive Care – Making an Excellent Start to an Intensive Care Career
What are the biggest challenges when beginning as a fully-fledged intensive care clinician? How do you best use your senior colleagues when your experience bank is still small? What can you do to help achieve gender equity... read more

The Washington Manual of Critical Care
Prepared by residents and faculty at the Washington University School of Medicine, this pocket manual contains easy-to-read algorithms for the management of more than 80 medical and surgical problems arising in the intensive... read more

Transfers From ICU to Hospital Ward
Little is known about documentation during transitions of patient care between clinical specialties. Therefore, we examined the focus, structure and purpose of physician progress notes for patients transferred from the intensive... read more

Critical Care Echocardiography: A Certification Pathway for Advanced Users
Though the details are still being finalized, the critical care NBE pathway will bear many similarities to the current certification process for cardiologists and cardiac anesthesiologists. In particular, the critical care... read more

Enabling Machine Learning in Critical Care
Critical care units are home to some of the most sophisticated patient technology within hospitals. In parallel, the field of machine learning is advancing rapidly and increasingly touching our lives. To facilitate the adoption... read more

Principles And Practice of Mechanical Ventilation
A comprehensive, authoritative coverage of all the clinical, pharmacological, and technical issues surrounding the use of mechanical ventilation. More than 100 authors, all of whom are at the forefront of research in their... read more

What Is PICS and How Does it Affect Patients and Families
Every year, about 6 million people are admitted to intensive care units with a life-threatening illness. As medical technology advances, more people survive conditions that once would have been fatal. However, about half... read more

More Than a Tick Box: Medical Checklist Development, Design, and Use
Despite improving patient safety in some perioperative settings, some checklists are not living up to their potential and complaints of "checklist fatigue" and outright rejection of checklists are growing. Problems reported... read more

Business of Critical Care and Value/Performance Building
New, value-based regulations and reimbursement structures are creating historic care management challenges, thinning the margins and threatening the viability of hospitals and health systems. The Society of Critical Care... read more

AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing
Endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and written by top clinical experts in critical care nursing, this textbook covers all the must-know details on the care of adult, critically ill patients... read more

Developing the Role of the Critical Care Pharmacist
The evolution of the critical care pharmacist — from lone practitioner to integral multidisciplinary team member. Pharmacists keen on a career in critical care need to understand that this is a complicated area and that... read more

Confessions of a Surgeon
Confessions of a Surgeon: The Good, the Bad, and the Complicated... Life Behind the O.R. Doors. As an active surgeon and former department chairman, Dr. Paul A. Ruggieri has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of his profession.... read more