Tag: electrocardiogram
The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need
Clear and concise, The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need has provided quick and accurate discussions on using an EKG to diagnose cardiac and non-cardiac conditions for nearly 30 years. This ninth edition is packed with full-color... read more

Change in Out-of-Hospital 12-lead ECG Diagnostic Classification in Patients Resuscitated From OHCA
Change in 12-lead ECG classification from OH to ED setting in patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) was common (49%). The OH STEMI classification changed to a less ischemic (non-STEMI) ED classification... read more

When COVID-19 Complicates Other Diagnoses
The medical community is rapidly trying to identify complications and patterns of disease to improve patient outcomes as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Numerous studies have shown varying degrees of liver damage in... read more

Left Septal Fascicular Block
This book provides clinical and electrovectorcardiographic evidence of the existence of left septal fascicular blocks and demonstrates the clinical importance of these blocks in the clinical scenario of acute coronary syndrome.... read more

ECG Accuracy Raised by Placement of Electrode Patch
A single-use patch that ensures the uniform placement of electrocardiogram (ECG) leads cuts down on inaccuracies and saves time. A new study to evaluate CQP placement found a significant difference between the minimum time... read more