Tag: emergency
Urge Congress to Ensure that Emergency Physicians Have Due Process Rights
H.R. 6910, critical bipartisan legislation to ensure every emergency physician has medical staff due process rights was recently introduced by emergency physician and member of Congress, Rep. Raul Ruiz, MD (D-CA), and Rep.... read more

Who Should Receive Life Support During a Public Health Emergency?
Unresolved ethical and practical dilemmas about allocating ventilators and critical care resources could threaten the success of the response to a public health emergency. We contend that the previously proposed "save... read more
WHO Declares the New Coronavirus Outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern
The International Health Regulations Emergency Committee believes that it is still possible to interrupt virus spread, provided that countries put in place strong measures to detect disease early, isolate and treat cases,... read more
Healthcare Providers Should Be Ready for Nerve Agent Attacks
Recent attacks in the UK and elsewhere using powerful nerve agents show that U.S. healthcare providers don't need to be near a battlefield to find themselves dealing with similar emergencies, researchers argue in a commentary... read more

Drone Doctors
Trials in Australia could be signalling the way ahead for a new role for remotely piloted aircraft in the air medical sphere, as James Paul Wallis reports. Drones have long since proved their worth as an aerial search tool... read more

How Doctors Responded After NRA Told Them To “Stay In Their Lane”
If the goal of the National Rifle Association (NRA) was to get doctors' attention, the Tweet posted recently certainly did its job. The NRA editorial that accompanied the Tweet included the following statement: "some doctors’... read more

What Did We Get Stuck In Our Rectums Last Year?
If it's Christmas, it must be time to learn what America shoved inside itself. The only worthwhile holiday tradition pushes on. All reports are taken from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's database of emergency... read more
The Revolution in EMS Care
There's a revolution taking place in emergency medical services, and for many, it could be life changing. From the increasingly sophisticated equipment they carry and the new lifesaving techniques they use, to the changing... read more

Emergency Preparedness in Healthcare
Ludwig Lin, MD, speaks with Grete Porteous, MD, about emergency preparedness in healthcare and the role of critical care personnel in catastrophic situations. Dr. Porteous advises on how to prepare institutions for disaster... read more
Defibrillator-carrying drones could save lives, research suggests
Drones are already employed for anything from military to recreational use, from oil exploration to film-making, but they could also help save the lives of people who have suffered a cardiac arrest, research suggests. A... read more

Micro-Hospitals Provide Health Care Closer to Home
Small-scale inpatient facilities, known in the industry as micro-hospitals, are popping up across the country to offer medical care in underserved communities and provide provide a local alternative to the potentially long... read more

The DRONE Ambulance
The drone has been designed by Argodesign, a design company based in Austin, Texas. It is modelled after a standard quadcopter, and is driven by GPS, a pilot, or a combination of both. The drone concept does not need a pilot,... read more