Tag: genetics

Association Between Titin Loss-of-Function Variants and Early-Onset Atrial Fibrillation
In a case-control study, there was a statistically significant association between an LOF variant in the TTN gene and early-onset AF, with the variant present in a small percentage of participants with early-onset AF (the... read more

The Gene: An Intimate History
A fascinating and often sobering history of how humans came to understand the roles of genes in making us who we are. From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Emperor of All Maladies, a fascinating history of the gene... read more

Genomics, Health Disparities, and Missed Opportunities for the Nation’s Research Agenda
The completion of the Human Genome Project occurred at a time of increasing public attention to health disparities. In 2004, Sankar and colleagues1 suggested that this coincidental timing resulted in an inappropriate emphasis... read more

Researchers wind back the biological clock on human embryonic stem cells
Johns Hopkins scientists report success in using a cocktail of cell-signaling chemicals to further wind back the biological clock of human embryonic stem cells (ESCs), giving the cells the same flexibility researchers have... read more

Immune system of African Americans responds more strongly to bacterial infection, and it is partly genetic
A Canada-US study has demonstrated that Americans of African descent have a stronger immune response to infection compared to Americans of European descent.... read more

Landmark genetics study to improve prediction of heart disease recruits 20,000th participant
A team of researchers from the University of Leicester and NIHR Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit (LCBRU) in conjunction with colleagues from Primary Care and Leicester and Leicestershire CCGs have recruited... read more

Genetic Loci Linked to Acute Kidney Injury
Four single-nucleotide polymorphisms at two loci identified in discovery, replication populations.... read more