Tag: hypernatremia
Severe ICU-Acquired Hypernatremia: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Trajectory, Management, and Outcome
Severe hypernatremia occurred in the setting of inability to drink, near-absent measurement of urinary free water losses, diuretic therapy, fever, renal impairment, and near-absent or limited or delayed water administration.... read more
Assessment of Patiromer Monotherapy for Hyperkalemia in an Acute Care Setting
In this cohort study of patients with acute, non–life-threatening hyperkalemia, a single dose of patiromer was associated with a significant decrease in serum potassium levels and a low incidence of hypokalemia. These... read more

Serum Sodium and In-Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patients
In this large multicenter observational cohort study of ICU patients, we aimed to assess the independent association of changes in serum sodium in the first 48 hours of ICU admission with in-hospital mortality for patients... read more

Vasopressin and Methylprednisolone vs Placebo on Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Patients With In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Among patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest, administration of vasopressin and methylprednisolone, compared with placebo, significantly increased the likelihood of return of spontaneous circulation. However, there is uncertainty... read more

Severe Neonatal Hypernatremia
Neonatal hypernatraemia at this level, in this population, is strongly associated with weight loss. It occurs almost exclusively after attempts to initiate breast feeding, occurs uncommonly and does not appear to be associated... read more

Harm of IV High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy in Adult Patients
There is no consistent evidence that IV high-dose vitamin C therapy is more harmful than placebo in double-blind randomized controlled trials. However, reports of oxalate nephropathy, hypernatremia, glucometer error, and... read more

Fixing Hypernatremia: Acting Fast or Acting Slow?
This is the largest adult cohort study focusing on the neurologic complications and mortality after hypernatremia correction in critically ill adults. There wasn't any evidence that rapid correction of hypernatremia was... read more

Hypernatremia & Dehydration in the ICU
Hypernatremia is very common in the ICU. It often develops during ICU admission due to inadequate free water administration. Hypernatremia is not benign, it causes profound thirst, particularly among intubated patients, this... read more