Nebulized Furosemide Effect on the Mortality of Mechanically Ventilated ARDS Adult Patients

This RCT tackles an important topic in critical care medicine, which involves a large number of critically ill patients and continues to harbor high mortality despite improvements in management. The results of the study... read more

Ventilation Practices in ABI Patients and Association with Outcomes

Current mechanical ventilation practices for patients with acute brain injury (ABI) are poorly defined. This study aimed to describe ventilator settings/parameters used in intensive care units (ICUs) and evaluate their association... read more

Respiratory Monitoring in Mechanical Ventilation: Techniques and Applications

This book covers the up-to-date advancement of respiratory monitoring in ventilation support as well as detecting the physiological responses to therapeutic interventions to avoid complications. Mechanical ventilation nowadays... read more

Respiratory Monitoring in Mechanical Ventilation: Techniques and Applications

Helmet CPAP as NIV for COVID-19 Patients

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged healthcare systems globally, highlighting the need for effective respiratory support strategies. Helmet continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has emerged as a potential noninvasive... read more

Tracheostomy in COVID-19 Patients

Tracheostomy is common in critically ill COVID-19 patients. In patients predicted to need a tracheostomy at some point, early, rather than late, tracheostomy might be a means to reduce the time spent in ICU. However,... read more

Pirfenidone to Prevent Fibrosis in ARDS

Pulmonary fibrosis is a major complication of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Pirfenidone is an approved treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It may attenuate ARDS-related fibrosis and decrease the... read more

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Markers Associated with Mortality in Critically Ill Patients

The present study highlights the prognostic significance of HLH criteria in critically ill patients. Individuals exhibiting two or more criteria at ICU admission experienced nearly a doubling in mortality as compared to patients... read more

COVID-19 vs non-COVID-19 Patients Without Hematological Malignancies Treated for Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis

COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) patients have less comorbidities and higher fungal burden compared to Putative Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis (PIPA), but clinical outcomes are similar between groups.... read more

Airflow Patterns and Adaptive Attachment Ventilation with Deflectors

A novel ventilation mode was introduced and investigated by a series of experiments under isotherm condition, focusing on elucidating the airflow patterns and characteristics associated with this mode. Semi-empirical equations... read more

Oral Health Care and VAP in ICU Patients

Both Zataria Multiflora (ZM) and Chlorhexidine (CHG) and CHG alone reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) incidence and improve the oral health status of mechanically ventilated patients. However, the combination of... read more

Assessing the Risk of Poor Clinical Outcomes in Preterm Neonates with Late-onset Sepsis

A predictive calculator for assessing the risk of poor clinical outcomes in preterm neonates with late-onset sepsis (LOS) has been developed. By leveraging readily available clinical data at the time of blood culture collection,... read more

Patients Under Mechanical Ventilation Are Highly Perceptive

This meta-synthesis provides insights into the perception of intensive care patients under Mechanical Ventilation (MV) who are continuously observing their own lives. This process is complex and involves a highly differentiated... read more

Electrical Impedance Tomography for PEEP Titration in ARDS Patients

ARDS patients may benefit from electrical impedance tomography (EIT)-guided positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration. The real-time bedside assessment of regional ventilation provided by EIT may result in improved... read more

Basics of Mechanical Ventilation

This book is a practical and easily understandable guide for mechanical ventilation. With a focus on the basics, this text begins with a detailed account of the mechanisms of spontaneous breathing as a reference point to... read more

Basics of Mechanical Ventilation

Impact of Short-Acting Beta-Blockers on the Outcomes of Septic Shock Patients

In patients with septic shock, short-acting beta-blockers may improve survival and reduce new-onset tachyarrhythmias. However, these findings were based on low certainty evidence and given ongoing concerns regarding adverse... read more

Evaluation of Vitamin D Supplementation in Critically Ill Patients

Vitamin D supplementation in critically ill patients may shorten ICU or hospital length of stay, improve SOFA scores, or reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation. Its ability to lower 28-day mortality remains uncertain,... read more

Machine Learning to Predict Extubation Success Using the SBT

Among the predictive models that used MOT, VCD, and the spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) as input variables through five machine learning techniques, decision trees and artificial neural networks demonstrated the best diagnostic... read more

Dynamic Nomogram for AKI Prediction in ICU Patients with AHF

After strict screening, 1338 patients with acute heart failure (AHF) were included in the derivation set, and 3,129 in the validation set. Sepsis, use of human albumin, age, mechanical ventilation, aminoglycoside administration,... read more

Risk Factors for Impairments in Quality of Life and Activities of Daily Living in Survivors of Critical Illness

This systematic review was able to identify that survivor of critical illnesses experienced changes in worsening quality of life, with impairment also in their functionality in terms of basic and instrumental activities of... read more

Analgosedation and Delirium Practices in Critically Ill Patients

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the management of analgosedation was characterized by the predominant use of targeted protocols that favored priority on mild and dynamic sedation in critically ill patients. During the pandemic... read more

Predicting Sudden Decrease in Oxygenation in Mechanically Ventilated ICU Patients as a Surrogate Marker for ARDS

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening form of respiratory failure characterized by widespread lung inflammation that severely impairs oxygenation. Affecting millions of patients worldwide, ARDS... read more

Enteric Gram-negative Infections on Lung Transplant Clinical Outcomes

Lung transplant recipients (LTR) with more complicated post-operative courses were more likely to develop enteric gram-negative (GNR) infections which led to increased post-transplant morbidities. Pre-transplant GNR colonization... read more