Tag: nurses
Low Decent Work Perception Among PICU Nurses
The level of decent work perception among PICU nurses in general hospitals is relatively low and is influenced by factors such as age, educational level, professional title, average monthly income, and personal experience... read more
COVID-19 Leaves Lasting Impact on Nursing Practices and Job Satisfaction
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the difficulties nurses experience, especially in emergency departments, requiring adjustments in practice care settings and continuing to impact their overall job satisfaction. Nursing... read more
A Blueprint for Change in Acute and Critical Care Nursing
A new article from Penn Nursing faculty proposes a significant shift in how nursing care is measured within acute and critical care settings by recognizing the full scope of a nurse's work and its impact on patient outcomes. The... read more
Difficulties Faced by Nurses Who Care For Patients with Delirium in the ICU
We developed a difficulty scale for nurses caring for patients with delirium in the intensive care unit and confirmed its reliability and validity. The difficulty factors were developed with the intention to identify educational... read more

International Council of Nurses #NursesForPeace Campaign
As the war in Ukraine continues and the death toll of victims rises, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) repeats its call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to hostilities for the sake of the people of Ukraine and... read more

Why Don’t Hospitals Just Pay Full-time Nurses More?
Hospitals' reliance on travel workers is nothing new. The pandemic intensified it and highlighted the gap between full-time workers' pay and lucrative temporary contracts. While the average salary for a travel nurse can... read more

Omicron Magnifies the Distress in the Health Care Labor System
In December 2020, to the tune of rousing cheers, the first health care workers began getting vaccinated against COVID-19. A year later, the cheers have died down, vaccination rates have plateaued, and the Omicron wave... read more

Year of the Nurse: A 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic Memoir
This book is for everyone, nurse or otherwise, who is furious about how 2020 went down and how 2021 is going. #1 Amazon Bestseller in Critical & Intensive Care Nursing #1 Amazon Bestseller in Mental Health Nursing #1... read more

ICU Workers Are Quitting Due To Crushing Stress From COVID-19 Surge
As hospitals struggle in Los Angeles County, Intensive Care Unit nurses confront tough choices: remain in the coronavirus trenches for patients and colleagues, or quit when you are overwhelmed? The massive surge in coronavirus... read more

America Is Running Out of Nurses
In normal times, there are some 50,000 travelling nurses in the United States. Most are full-time gig workers who move from job to job, usually staying in one place for thirteen weeks. (That length is a holdover from old... read more

Training Multidisciplinary Healthcare Workers to Reinforce ICUs in Times of Need
ESICM is to carry out a C19 SPACE programme funded by the European Commission for the training of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals not regularly working in ICUs, to give extra support to ICUs during the COVID-19... read more

What Do Our Critical Care Nurses Need Right Now?
After experiencing the most intense period of work, our critical care nurse workforce need us to consider their needs carefully right now. In this webinar we explore individual, team and systems factors at play, and discuss... read more
Perceived Barriers to Rapid Response Team Activation Among Nurses
The purpose of this literature review was to investigate the major barriers nurses face when it is necessary to seek additional assistance and resources by calling the rapid response team (RRT) in order to manage and stabilize... read more

What Happens If Health-Care Workers Stop Showing Up?
The United States needs its health-care workers to see it through this crisis. But there are no replacements on the shelf. They can't be built, trained, or repurposed from other jobs. Unless the country does dramatically... read more
I am a male nurse – so what?
For Brett Adamson, becoming a nurse was a gateway into helping the world’s most disadvantaged people. In 2005 Brett began working for the medical humanitarian aid organisation, Médecins Sans Frontières. That year was... read more

Nurse intuition may play a role in critical-care outcomes
Nurse intuition doesn't sound scientific, but it could play a key role in critical-care outcomes, according to a small study published in DovePress. The researchers conducted a descriptive phenomenological study, interviewing... read more

Nurses make me a better doctor
I firmly believe that the relationship between a nurse and physician should be one of collaboration without hierarchy. It takes a very special person to become a nurse. Without them, physicians cannot function. I thank all... read more

New Certifications Confirm Growing Influence Of Knowledge Professionals On Nursing Practice, Patient Care
PCCN-K and CCRN-K credentials from AACN Certification Corporation recognize contributions of nurses who positively influence care delivered to acutely and critically ill patients.... read more

Scrubs Pick Up Bad Hospital Germs
The scrubs of intensive care unit (ICU) nurses often pick up disease-causing germs, including those resistant to antibiotics, a new study reports. The study included 40 intensive care unit nurses.... read more

Neonatal Nurses: Helping the Tiniest Patients
In honor of National Neonatal Nurses Day, we interviewed five nurses in different facets of the field to give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be a neonatal nurse, including the challenges and rewards involved in caring... read more