Tag: nursing
Pandemic Triggers Mass Exodus of Critical Care Nurses
Australian hospitals are experiencing a mass exodus of experienced critical care nurses as the COVID-19 pandemic stretches healthcare workers unlike ever before, prompting medical colleges to warn of a workforce crisis. Australian... read more

Year of the Nurse: A 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic Memoir
This book is for everyone, nurse or otherwise, who is furious about how 2020 went down and how 2021 is going. #1 Amazon Bestseller in Critical & Intensive Care Nursing #1 Amazon Bestseller in Mental Health Nursing #1... read more

OSHA releases new standard to protect front-line health workers from COVID-19
The Biden administration issued a long-awaited new workplace standard aimed at protecting front-line healthcare workers from contracting COVID-19. The emergency temporary standard, released Thursday by the Occupational... read more

Health Systems Successfully Leverage Tele-ICU During Pandemic and Intend to Continue
Help during the pandemic for overwhelmed, overworked intensive care unit (ICU) nurses at some health systems came in the form of experienced tele-ICU nurses working remotely to support on-site colleagues as they cared for... read more

A Dedicated VV-ECMO Unit during a Respiratory Pandemic
Background: The most critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may require advanced support modalities, such as veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO). A systematic, methodical approach... read more

Addressing Hospital-Acquired Hypoglycemia
Findings suggest that ensuring a consistent 30-minute window between POC BG measurement and meal delivery enabled nursing staff to perform timely POC BG measurements and administer a more optimal mealtime insulin dose. Increasing... read more

Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice
Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines has proven to be one of the most foundational books on EBP in nursing. This fully revised third edition builds on the strength of the first two editions... read more

Stop Nurse Burnout: What to Do When Working Harder Isn’t Working
The first step-by-step manual for any nurse in any specialty to stop nurse burnout, build a more ideal career and a more balanced life. Chart your course from Nurse Burnout to Your Ideal Career using this first comprehensive... read more

Priorities in Critical Care Nursing
With its succinct coverage of all core critical care nursing topics, this evidence-based text is the perfect resource for both practicing nurses and nursing students alike. Using the latest, most authoritative research, this... read more

Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thrust into a pandemic unlike any other, health professionals today must continually adapt to an ever-changing environment. Protocols change at dizzying rates, while the physical and mental demands of our jobs increase... read more

America Is Running Out of Nurses
In normal times, there are some 50,000 travelling nurses in the United States. Most are full-time gig workers who move from job to job, usually staying in one place for thirteen weeks. (That length is a holdover from old... read more

Nurses’ knowledge and practices of physical restraints in ICU
The mean scores of nurses' knowledge and practices were 61.5 (SD = 12.1) and 57.4 (SD = 9.7), respectively. More than half of nurses had poor knowledge of PR use and incorrect practice of implementing PR (51.5% and 60.5%,... read more

Surgery guidance updated for hospitals struggling with capacity constraints
Four healthcare groups again updated their guidance for hospitals to maintain essential surgeries during the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Hospital Association, American College of Surgeons, American Society of Anesthesiologists... read more

Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing
Learn how to successfully work with patients in pain with The Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing, 3rd Edition. Written by the American Society for Pain Management Nursing (the primary nursing organization in pain... read more

Essentials of Perioperative Nursing
Essentials of Perioperative Nursing, Sixth Edition is an essential reference for new perioperative nurses as well as experienced nurses who need a refresher. Succinct and easy to use, it addresses the basics associated with... read more

The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures
Now in its tenth edition, The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures has been the definitive, market-leading guide to clinical nursing skills for over three decades. This internationally best-selling title sets... read more

What Do Our Critical Care Nurses Need Right Now?
After experiencing the most intense period of work, our critical care nurse workforce need us to consider their needs carefully right now. In this webinar we explore individual, team and systems factors at play, and discuss... read more
Holding and Mobility of Pediatric Patients With Transthoracic Intracardiac Catheters
Pediatric patients with transthoracic intracardiac catheters can be safely held and mobilized out of bed. A total of 1,358 patients had activity and positioning documented while transthoracic intracardiac catheters were... read more

What Nursing Homes Can Teach EMS About COVID-19
Most EMS providers are familiar with long-term skilled nursing facilities, yet most of us don't think much about them. We certainly don't think they can teach us much. Nursing homes have been hit hard by COVID-19 and... read more
The Application of 6S and PDCA Management Strategies in the Nursing of COVID-19 Patients
Overall, the management of the nursing team followed the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle management principle as described in a previous study, thus enabling real-time planning, execution, inspection and improvement. During... read more

Fast Facts for the Critical Care Nurse
This newly updated, quick-access guide for critical care nurses covers the most common admitting diagnoses and reviews their causes, signs and symptoms, and interventions. Critical care nursing requires astute assessment,... read more

COVID-19 Has Them Scared to Go Home
There are no statistics on how many health care workers and first responders have passed the virus to their children, spouses, or parents. But, thousands of American health care professionals have fallen ill so far – over... read more