Successful Treatment of Unilateral Pulmonary Edema as Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery Complication

We successfully treated this patient using ECMO and independent lung ventilation. Several cases have been described in the literature, but the pathogenesis and risk factors of UPE remain unclear. Management depends on... read more

Lung Ultrasound for Diagnosis and Management of ARDS

Lung ultrasonography (LUS) is essential for diagnosing and managing adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to its bedside accessibility and availability across different resource settings. It aids in diagnosis and... read more

Lung Ultrasound for Diagnosis and Management of ARDS

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Advances in Diagnostic Tools and Disease Management

Divided into thirteen chapters, this book provides a wealth of research-oriented findings and practical guidance, ranging from the definition, epidemiology and pathophysiology, to the diagnosis and management of the disease.... read more

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Advances in Diagnostic Tools and Disease Management

Fluid Balance and Ventilator-Associated Events Among Patients Admitted to ICUs in China

There was nonlinear relationship between fluid balance and all three tiers of ventilator-associated event, with an fluid balance between –1 and 0 L corresponding to the lowest risk. Positive but not negative fluid balance... read more

Fluid Balance and Ventilator-Associated Events Among Patients Admitted to ICUs in China

Noninvasive Respiratory Support for COVID-19 Patients: When, for Whom, and How?

The significant mortality rate and prolonged ventilator days associated with invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) in patients with severe COVID-19 have incited a debate surrounding the use of noninvasive respiratory support... read more

Noninvasive Respiratory Support for COVID-19 Patients: When, for Whom, and How?

Facemask vs. Helmet – Noninvasive Ventilation

We use Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) to treat various disease processes, such as acute hypercapnic and hypoxemic respiratory failure, post-extubation failure, and neuromuscular diseases. Data supports NIV use in some conditions,... read more

Facemask vs. Helmet – Noninvasive Ventilation

Brain–lung Interactions and Mechanical Ventilation in Patients with Isolated Brain Injury

During the last decade, experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated that isolated acute brain injury (ABI) may cause severe dysfunction of peripheral extracranial organs and systems. Of all potential target organs... read more

Brain–lung Interactions and Mechanical Ventilation in Patients with Isolated Brain Injury

New Therapy Could Protect Lung Function in COVID-19 Patients

There is an urgent need for new drugs for ARDS patients, including those with COVID-19. ARDS in influenza-infected mice is associated with reduced levels of liponucleotides (essential precursors for de novo phospholipid synthesis)... read more

New Therapy Could Protect Lung Function in COVID-19 Patients

Comparison of Two Delayed Strategies for RRT initiation for severe AKI

Delaying renal replacement therapy (RRT) for some time in critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury (AKI) and no severe complication is safe and allows optimisation of the use of medical devices. Major uncertainty... read more

Comparison of Two Delayed Strategies for RRT initiation for severe AKI

Consequences of Cardiopulmonary Bypass: What the Intensivist Needs to Know

Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is common for most cardiac surgeries. CPB drains blood from the heart and returns it to the proximal systemic circulation allowing perfusion during the operative period. It was pioneered in 1951... read more

Consequences of Cardiopulmonary Bypass: What the Intensivist Needs to Know

LV Overloading Identified by Critical Care Echocardiography is Key in Weaning‑induced Pulmonary Edema

Spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) failure due to WIPO appears related to overloaded LV, including the worsening or development of mitral regurgitation, associated with excessive accumulated fluid balance. SBT-induced central... read more

LV Overloading Identified by Critical Care Echocardiography is Key in Weaning‑induced Pulmonary Edema

COVID-19: A Critical Analysis of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Clinical Pharmacology

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have been used for over 60 years in the treatment of malaria, amoebic liver abscess, and several rheumatological conditions, but their clinical pharmacology is not well understood. COVID-19... read more

COVID-19: A Critical Analysis of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Clinical Pharmacology

Bedside ECHO To Diagnose Native Valve Infective Endocarditis

Infective endocarditis (IE) is an important pathology to detect in the Emergency Department (ED), but the diagnosis is too often delayed or missed. IE ticks many boxes as a diagnosis we can "own" in Emergency Medicine (EM): 1.... read more

Bedside ECHO To Diagnose Native Valve Infective Endocarditis

The Association Between Ventilator Dyssynchrony, Delivered Tidal Volume, and Sedation Using a Novel Automated Ventilator Dyssynchrony Detection Algorithm

We developed a computerized algorithm that accurately detects three types of ventilator dyssynchrony. Double-triggered and flow-limited breaths are associated with the frequent delivery of tidal volumes of greater than... read more

The Association Between Ventilator Dyssynchrony, Delivered Tidal Volume, and Sedation Using a Novel Automated Ventilator Dyssynchrony Detection Algorithm

Added Benefit of Noninvasive Ventilation to High-Flow Nasal Oxygen to Prevent Reintubation in Higher-Risk Patients

Liberating patients from ongoing invasive mechanical ventilation is typically a 3-step process. First, clinicians must recognize that patients may no longer require mechanical ventilation, when the reasons for intubation... read more

Added Benefit of Noninvasive Ventilation to High-Flow Nasal Oxygen to Prevent Reintubation in Higher-Risk Patients

Myocardial Ischemia During Ventilator Weaning

This observational study showed the pulmonary edema (WiPO) occurred in a significant number of critically ill patients who failed a first spontaneous breathing trial (SBT), while cardiac ischemia (WiCI) was less frequent.... read more

Myocardial Ischemia During Ventilator Weaning

Recommendations on the Use of Ultrasound Guidance for Adult Thoracentesis

The use of ultrasound guidance for thoracentesis has been associated with increased success rates and decreased complication rates. Ultrasound can be used to estimate the pleural fluid volume, characterize the effusion as... read more

Recommendations on the Use of Ultrasound Guidance for Adult Thoracentesis

Doubling Down on Re-Expansion Pulmonary Edema: Treatment Approach and Ventilator Management

The treatment of choice for a pneumothorax is a chest tube, and when the small pig-tail catheter doesn’t do the job, the answer is to replace it with a larger bore – right? Not so fast. The exact mechanism of REPE is... read more

Doubling Down on Re-Expansion Pulmonary Edema: Treatment Approach and Ventilator Management

Looking for a Better Way to Treat Hypoxia in the Emergency Department? Reach for High-Flow Nasal Cannula

High-flow nasal cannula should be considered a first-line therapy in all patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure not from cardiogenic pulmonary edema and without concomitant hypercapnia. The high flow rate of HFNC offers... read more

Looking for a Better Way to Treat Hypoxia in the Emergency Department? Reach for High-Flow Nasal Cannula

Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Potentiation as a Therapeutic Strategy for Pulmonary Edema

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator potentiation by ivacaftor is a novel therapeutic approach for pulmonary edema. Ivacaftor significantly improved alveolar liquid clearance in isolated pig lung lobes ex vivo... read more

Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Potentiation as a Therapeutic Strategy for Pulmonary Edema

Early Identification of Acute Respiratory Distress Disorder in the Absence of Positive Pressure Ventilation

Almost all patients with pulmonary bilateral infiltrates and a PaO2/FIO2 less than or equal to 300 mm Hg under standard oxygen fulfilled the acute respiratory distress syndrome criteria under noninvasive ventilation within... read more

Early Identification of Acute Respiratory Distress Disorder in the Absence of Positive Pressure Ventilation