Machine Learning to Predict Extubation Success Using the SBT

Among the predictive models that used MOT, VCD, and the spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) as input variables through five machine learning techniques, decision trees and artificial neural networks demonstrated the best diagnostic... read more

Optimizing ICU Weaning: Globalizing Personalized Weaning Strategies

this study provides compelling evidence supporting the concept of individualized weaning in the ICU. By tailoring spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) methods to match specific patient conditions, it represents an essential... read more

How I Perform Diaphragmatic Ultrasound in the ICU

The diaphragm is a thin, dome-shaped muscle, comprising a costal and crural part, and a non-contracting central tendon. Muscle fiber activation shortens and thickens the diaphragm in the zone of apposition, moving the dome... read more

Assessment of Respiratory Muscles, Lung Parenchyma, and Cardiac Function by Ultrasound for Predicting Weaning Failure in Critically Ill Adults

Parasternal intercostal muscle thickening fraction (PMTF) has good discriminatory power to predict weaning outcomes (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.74 [0.59–0.88]). Pre-SBT PMTF had similar power... read more

Respiratory Effort in Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Prediction

This study demonstrates that PMI and ΔPocc are effective in predicting weaning outcomes in patients with DT≥2mm. The effectiveness of P0.1 in assessing weaning is also significantly higher in this subgroup. These findings... read more

Improving Spontaneous Breathing Trials With a Respiratory Therapist-Driven Protocol

This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to standardize and re-establish RT-driven protocol for screening patients for SBT readiness and administering SBTs to appropriate patients. Endotracheally intubated and mechanically... read more

Improving Spontaneous Breathing Trials With a Respiratory Therapist-Driven Protocol

Validation of RSBI Displayed by the Ventilator vs. Standard Technique in Patients with Readiness for Weaning

The ventilator significantly overestimates the RSBI value compared to the standard technique by Wright spirometer. The average RSBI vent value among 5 time points (0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 s) was found to best correlate with... read more

Validation of RSBI Displayed by the Ventilator vs. Standard Technique in Patients with Readiness for Weaning

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of a new RN/RRT (Registered Nurse/Registered Respiratory Therapist) directed 2-step protocol to wean patients off of a ventilator. This protocol involves daily attempts... read more

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning

LV Overloading Identified by Critical Care Echocardiography is Key in Weaning‑induced Pulmonary Edema

Spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) failure due to WIPO appears related to overloaded LV, including the worsening or development of mitral regurgitation, associated with excessive accumulated fluid balance. SBT-induced central... read more

LV Overloading Identified by Critical Care Echocardiography is Key in Weaning‑induced Pulmonary Edema

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning Protocol in ICU

Approaches to removal of sedation and mechanical ventilation for critically ill patients vary widely. Our aim was to assess a protocol that paired spontaneous awakening trials (SATs)—ie, daily interruption of sedatives—with... read more

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning Protocol in ICU

Sleep Deprived-Patients in ICU May Fail to Get Off Ventilation

Attempts to wean intubated, critically ill patients off mechanical ventilators were less successful when the patients exhibited atypical sleep or pathological wakefulness, researchers reported. The findings suggest that sleep... read more

Sleep Deprived-Patients in ICU May Fail to Get Off Ventilation

Trials directly comparing alternative spontaneous breathing trial techniques

The effect of alternative spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) techniques on extubation success and other clinically important outcomes is uncertain. Patients undergoing PS (vs T-piece) SBTs appear to be 6% (95% CI 2–10%)... read more

Trials directly comparing alternative spontaneous breathing trial techniques