Tag: tomography
Electrical Impedance Tomography for PEEP Titration in ARDS Patients
ARDS patients may benefit from electrical impedance tomography (EIT)-guided positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration. The real-time bedside assessment of regional ventilation provided by EIT may result in improved... read more
POCUS-first vs. CT-first Approach on ED LOS in Patients with Acute Cholecystitis
While point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS)-first and computed tomography (CT)-first approaches resulted in comparable emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS) and time to surgical consultation for patients with mild AC,... read more
Atypical Presentation of Pulmonary Embolism in Patients with Refractory Hypoxemia and Dyspnea
Pulmonary embolism (PE) should be strongly considered in patients presenting with refractory hypoxemia and dyspnea, even in the absence of clinical signs of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This study highlights the importance... read more
Improving Patient Outcomes: Sepsis Protocols and Rapid Host Response Technologies
Patients come into the emergency department (ED) with symptoms, not diagnoses. That’s when time is of the essence. Clinicians must quickly triage patients and establish an appropriate care pathway to obtain the best possible... read more
Veno-Arterial-Venous ECMO in a Patient Undergoing Dialysis and Having Cardiopulmonary Failure Due to COVID-19
COVID-19 can cause cardiomyopathy, a rare cardiovascular disorder that can lead to cardiogenic shock. The cardiac and respiratory symptoms may not occur simultaneously, and it is possible to switch to veno-arterial-venous... read more
Can Clinicians Identify CAP on Ultralow-dose CT?
This study found that clinicians could assess chest ULD-CTs for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) with high, but not perfect, diagnostic accuracy using an ED radiologist’s assessments as reference standard. Interrater... read more
The Hidden Value of MRI: Modifying Treatment Decisions in C-spine Injuries
This study provides a critical evaluation of the implications of additional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) use in the diagnosis of c-spine injuries. We have demonstrated that an adjunctive MRI extends patients' ED stays,... read more
Chest Computed Tomography Severity Score at ICU Admission and Respiratory Outcomes
COVID-19 patients with >50% lung involvement on Chest-CT admission presented higher chances to stay longer on invasive mechanical ventilation and more chances to developed ventilator-associated pneumonia. 121 patients... read more

Efficacy of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen Therapy in Patients with AHRF
This study suggests that high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy in general respiratory wards may be a potential rescue therapy for patients with respiratory failure. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) potentially monitors... read more

The Hemodynamics of Adrenal Veins with Four-dimensional CT Using Quantitative Time-density Curve
Present study quantitatively analyzed adrenal venous flow using four-dimensional computed tomography (4D CT). We reviewed 4D CT images of 55 patients [mean age, 52 years ± 11 (standard deviation); 23 females] who underwent... read more

Protective Ventilation
As ventilator induced lung injury (VILI) importantly impacts outcome of mechanically ventilated patients, even in those without lung injury, it follows that those caring for the critically ill should apply protective ventilatory... read more

Pulmonary Aeration and Posterior Collapse Assessed by Electrical Impedance Tomography in Healthy Children
The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in the lung aeration estimated by electrical impedance tomography as the end-expiratory lung impedance after anesthesia induction in pediatric patients. This was a prospective,... read more

Developing a Decision Instrument to Guide Abdominal-pelvic Imaging of Blunt Trauma Patients
Although computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis (A/P) can provide crucial information for managing blunt trauma patients, liberal and indiscriminant imaging is expensive, can delay critical interventions, and... read more

Lung Ultrasonography Beyond the Diagnosis of Pediatrics Pneumonia
Pneumonia is a prevalent disease with considerable morbidity and mortality among the pediatric population. Early diagnosis and swift commencement of the correct treatment are vital for a favorable clinical outcome. Along... read more

High-dose vs. Low-dose Prednisolone in post-COVID-19 Patients
In some patients, respiratory symptoms and imaging abnormalities persist after acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. The chest computed tomography (CT) generally shows diffuse parenchymal lung abnormalities... read more

Preoperative POCUS to Identify Frailty and Predict Postoperative Outcomes
Similar to computed tomography measurements of psoas muscle area, preoperative ultrasound measurements of quadriceps depth shows promise in discriminating between frail and not-frail patients before surgery. It was also associated... read more

Rapidly Progressive Brain Atrophy in Septic ICU Patients
Many ICU patients with severe sepsis who developed prolonged mental status changes and neurological sequelae showed signs of brain atrophy. Patients with rapidly progressive brain atrophy were more likely to have required... read more

Predicting Adverse Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients Using BV5%
Evidence suggests that vascular inflammation and thrombosis may be important drivers of poor clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. We hypothesized that a significant decrease in the percentage of blood vessels with... read more

POCUS Diagnosis of Medial Plantar Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Penetrating Injury
Pseudoaneurysms of the foot are rare and can occur from a range of etiologies, including laceration from a foreign body. The majority of reported cases have been diagnosed by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,... read more

Patient’s Clinical Presentation and CPPopt Availability: Any Association?
In this retrospective multicenter study, none of the selected admission and treatment variables were related to the CPPopt yield. The median CPPopt yield was 80.7% (interquartile range 70.9–87.4%). None of the selected... read more

Contrast-enhanced Imaging in the Emergency Department
We continue with the topic of Contrast-enhanced imaging in the emergency department. "What is the creatinine?" asks the radiologist when an emergency contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) is requested for a patient with... read more

Efficacy of Serum Angiotensin II Levels in Prognosis of Patients with COVID-19
The serum angiotensin II levels decrease significantly in patients with coronavirus disease 2019, and this decrease is correlated with lung damage. There was no statistical significance between the serum angiotensin II... read more