CDC to vote on who gets COVID-19 vaccine priority in emergency meeting

Ahead of a COVID-19 vaccine authorization, the CDC’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices plans to vote during a Dec. 2 emergency meeting on who should be the first to receive a vaccine, reports CNN.

The CDC has previously recommended that the first groups to receive a vaccine should be healthcare providers and people in long-term, congregate facilities (group 1a), essential workers (group 1b), and those with high-risk medical conditions along with people ages 65 and older (group 1c).

There are about 87 million essential workers in the US, of which 21 million are healthcare personnel, the CDC estimates.

There are more than 100 million people with high-risk medical conditions and about 54 million people who are at least 65 years old, with some overlaps between each of the groups.

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