Cerebral Oxygen Saturation and Autoregulation During Hypotension in Extremely Preterm Infants
Dopamine had no effect on rScO2 compared to placebo in hypotensive infants. Hypotension and cerebral hypoxia are associated with early intraventricular hemorrhage or death.
Prospective cohort study of blinded rScO2 measurements within a randomized controlled trial of management of hypotension (HIP trial) in extremely preterm infants.
In 89 potentially eligible HIP trial patients with rScO2 measurements, the duration of cerebral hypoxia was significantly higher in 36 hypotensive compared to 53 non-hypotensive infants. In 29/36 hypotensive infants (mean GA 25 weeks, 69% males) receiving the study drug, no significant difference in rScO2 was observed after dopamine (nā=ā13) compared to placebo (nā=ā16).
Duration of cerebral hypoxia was associated with early intraventricular hemorrhage or death.