Could a Glass of Wine Diagnose Long COVID?

Acute COVID-19 infection ranges from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to life-threatening. What about long COVID (the symptoms occurring more than three weeks after infection, also known as post-acute COVID syndrome)?

Could there be thousands of people with “mild” long COVID who don’t know it?

Could there be legions of people with new low-energy levels being misdiagnosed as depressed, stressed, having a sleep disorder, or being labeled “lazy”?

The inability to tolerate a glass of wine or a bottle of beer could be an important clue to their true diagnosis.

The term “long COVID” represents at least four different syndromes, including those that result from organ damage or an ICU stay.

Of these syndromes, post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) is the only one that causes alcohol intolerance without organ damage. When I refer to long COVID in this article, I am referring to the PVFS type only.

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