COVID-19: 10 Things I Wished I’d Known Some Months Ago

The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and spreading, affecting individuals in over 200 countries now. While COVID-19-related articles are being published every day, including guidelines of optimal clinical management, there are several practical issues that we wished we had known earlier.

This viewpoint addresses 10 points that may be of interest both the logistics, as well as actual clinical care of critically ill COVID-19 patients.

We stay away from items that are self-evident and will not address aspects of treatment that are explicitly described elsewhere.

  1. Crisis management in the ICU and planning to surge capacity
  2. Personnel management
  3. The value of conventional biomarkers
  4. The hidden problem: hypercoagulation and thrombosis
  5. Cardiac involvement
  6. Pharmacological treatment
  7. Mechanical ventilation
  8. The thing nobody wants to think about
  9. Management of the tsunami of research ideas, email spamming and info-overload
  10. Post-intensive care follow-up

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