Development of Persistent Respiratory Morbidity in Previously Healthy Children After ARF
Persistent respiratory morbidity develops in up to potentially 44% of previously healthy children less than or equal to 24 months old at follow-up after acute respiratory failure (ARF) requiring mechanical ventilation.
This is the first study, to our knowledge, to suggest a prevalence of persistent respiratory morbidity and the association between positive bacterial respiratory culture and pulmonary morbidity in a population of only previously healthy children with acute respiratory failure.
Pulmonary dysfunction at discharge a priori defined as one of: mechanical ventilation, supplemental oxygen, bronchodilators or steroids at 28 days or discharge.
Persistent respiratory morbidity a priori defined as a respiratory PedsQL, a pediatric quality of life measure, greater than or equal to 5 or asthma diagnosis, bronchodilator or inhaled steroids, or unscheduled clinical evaluation for respiratory symptoms.