How to Improve Worldwide Early Enteral Nutrition Performance in ICUs?
Early enteral nutrition (EEN), typically started within 48 h after ICU admission, is recommended to be superior over delayed enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition. The ESICM Working Group on Gastrointestinal Function provided clinical practice guidelines on EEN and suggested to initiate it at a low rate, as beneficial effects regarding infection prevention have been demonstrated in critically ill patients, as well as in patients with severe acute pancreatitis and after gastrointestinal (GI) surgery. A multifaceted approach is warranted to improve the EEN performance in ICUs all over the world and in particular in China, involving all relevant stakeholders such as medical doctors, nutritionists and dieticians, nurses, healthcare assistants and, last but not least, patients and their families. This paper is an appeal to the international critical care, nutrition, and administrative leadership to initiate the change and improve enteral feeding practice in ICUs.