Metabolomic Diferences: COVID-19 vs. H1N1 Influenza in ARDS
This study aimed to compare the specificity of the metabolic alterations induced by COVID-19 or Influenza A pneumonia (IAP) in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Our findings support the concept that ARDS is associated with a characteristic metabolomic profile that may discriminate patients with ARDS of different etiologies, being a potential biomarker for the diagnosis, prognosis, and management of this condition.
ARDS due to COVID-19 or to IAP induces a different regulation of amino acids metabolism, lipid metabolism, glycolysis, and anaplerotic metabolism. COVID‐19 causes a significant energy supply deficit that induces supplementary energy-generating pathways.
In contrast, IAP patients suffer more marked inflammatory and oxidative stress responses.
The classificatory model discriminated against the cause of pneumonia with a success rate of 100%.