New Technology Gives Parents Virtual Face Time With Their Hospitalized Children

The pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) team at the University of Maryland Children’s Hospital (UMCH) is offering a new way for families to interact with their child and the medical team when they can’t be there in person.

PICU Connect is a mobile cart fashioned with a computer, speaker and 180-degree camera.

It allows family members who cannot be at their child’s hospital bedside to feel like they are in the room.

The technology uses high-quality, real-time video and audio, and links up through a person’s phone, tablet or computer.

The family member can clearly see, listen and talk with the child and care team, so they aren’t missing important discussions about the child’s care plan.

It is HIPAA-compliant, which means it meets federal patient privacy law requirements.

The video sessions cannot be recorded or intercepted, and disappear once they are over.

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