Outcomes of VV ECMO When Stratified by Age
The purpose of this study was to evaluate survival to hospital discharge for patients on venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV ECMO) when stratified by age. We performed a retrospective study at single, academic, tertiary care center intensive care unit for VV ECMO.
All patients, older than 17 years of age, on VV ECMO admitted to a specialized intensive care unit for the management of VV ECMO between August 2014 and May 2018 were included in the study.
Trauma and bridge-to-lung transplant patients were excluded for this analysis. Demographics, pre-ECMO and ECMO data were collected.
Primary outcome was survival to hospital discharge when stratified by age.
Secondary outcomes included time on VV ECMO and hospital length of stay (HLOS).
One hundred eighty-two patients were included. Median P/F ratio at time of cannulation was 69, and respiratory ECMO survival prediction (RESP) score was 3.
Median time on ECMO was 319 hours.
Overall survival to hospital discharge was 75.8%.