Peripheral Arteriovenous Malformations: Classification and Endovascular Treatment

In this review we cover the classification and endovascular management of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). We begin by viewing AVMs in relation to the broader class of congenital vascular malformations and subsequently go into more depth on the clinical and pathologic characteristics that define AVMs.

We then focus on the endovascular treatment options for peripheral AVMs and summarize the functional characteristics of the sclerosants and embolic agents available to clinicians today.

Peripheral AVMs have myriad manifestations, and treatment depends on the acuity of the situation, nidal architecture and anatomic location.

Treatment is often a long process requiring multiple rounds of embolization and lifelong follow up. We emphasize the use of a multidisciplinary team and to personalize treatment to the patient’s wishes, as currently there is no cure.

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