Postoperative Sepsis Infection Can Be Identified Using Gene Expression Signatures

Host biomarker signatures may be able to identify postoperative infection or sepsis up to three days in advance of clinical recognition.

If validated in future studies, these signatures offer potential diagnostic utility for postoperative management of deteriorating or high-risk surgical patients and, potentially, other patient populations.

Specific gene signatures optimized to predict infection or sepsis in the three days prior to clinical presentation were identified in initial discovery cohorts.

Subsequent classification using machine learning with cross-validation with separate patient cohorts and their matched controls gave high Area Under the Receiver Operator Curve (AUC) values.

These allowed discrimination of infection from uncomplicated recovery (AUC 0.871), infectious from non-infectious systemic inflammation (0.897), sepsis from other postoperative presentations (0.843), and sepsis from uncomplicated infection (0.703).

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