Rivaroxaban vs. No Anticoagulation for Post-discharge Thromboprophylaxis After COVID-19 Hospitalisation
In patients at high risk discharged after hospitalisation due to COVID-19, thromboprophylaxis with rivaroxaban 10 mg/day for 35 days improved clinical outcomes compared with no extended thromboprophylaxis.
From Oct 8, 2020, to June 29, 2021, 997 patients were screened.
Of these patients, 677 did not meet eligibility criteria; the remaining 320 patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive rivaroxaban or no anticoagulation.
All patients received thromboprophylaxis with standard doses of heparin during hospitalisation.
165 (52%) patients were in the intensive care unit while hospitalised.
197 (62%) patients had an IMPROVE score of 2–3 and elevated D-dimer levels and 121 (38%) had a score of 4 or more.