Subsegmental Pulmonary Embolism Increased Rate of Recurrent VTE
Overall, patients with subsegmental pulmonary embolism who did not have proximal deep venous thrombosis had a higher-than-expected rate of recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE).
Recruitment was stopped prematurely because the predefined stopping rule was met after 292 of a projected 300 patients were enrolled.
Of the 266 patients included in the primary analysis, the primary outcome occurred in 8 patients, for a cumulative incidence of 3.1% over the 90-day follow-up.
The incidence of recurrent venous thromboembolism was 2.1% and 5.7% over the 90-day follow-up in patients with single and multiple isolated subsegmental pulmonary embolism, respectively.
No patients had a fatal recurrent pulmonary embolism.
The primary outcome was recurrent venous thromboembolism during the 90-day follow-up period.