Sustained reduction of catheter-associated bloodstream infections with enhancement of catheter bundle by chlorhexidine dressings over 11 years

The addition of chlorhexidine dressings to all CVC and arterial lines to an ongoing catheter bundle was associated with a sustained 11-year reduction of all catheter-associated bloodstream infections. This large real-world data study further supports the current recommendations for the systematic use of CHG dressings on all catheters of ICU patients. From 2006 to 2014, 18,286 patients were admitted. We recorded 111 CABSIs. We observed a progressive but significant decrease of CABSI rates from 1.48 without CHG dressings to 0.69 and 0.23 episodes per 1000 catheter-days when CHG sponge and CHG gel dressings were used. We conducted a real-world data study evaluating the impact of incrementally introducing chlorhexidine dressings (sponge or gel) in addition to an ongoing catheter bundle on the rates of CABSI, expressed as incidence density rates per 1000 catheter-days measured as part of a surveillance program.

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