Top 5 Skills Every Nurse Should Develop Quickly

What are the top five skills that every nurse should develop? Nope! Not those. I imagine many of you reading automatically think about the clinical skills it takes to become a professional nurse. While clinical skills are important, they vary from specialty to specialty. Think about it. As a psych nurse, I had to learn skills related to seclusion and restraint. While medical nurses do need to know about the proper and safe use of restraints, I doubt that a surgical unit has a seclusion room as part of its floor plan. Silly, right? So, no. This list is not your clinical nursing skill set. But it is a list of five skills that each and every nurse needs to be successful at nursing. So what are they? 1. Find Your Voice. And Use It. Just the other day, I received an email from a colleague. You ever get an email that you would consider "email yelling"? You know the drill. All caps. Bold font. Red text. And… drum roll, please. Cursing. I was offended! I felt like I was punched in the

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