Treatment of Refractory Cardiac Arrest by Controlled Reperfusion of the Whole Body

This multicenter, prospective, all-comers observational study has provided preliminary data on a new approach to treat patients with prolonged refractory CA and CCPR by applying an advanced extracorporeal perfusion circuit, making efforts towards multi-organ repair, carrying out comprehensive monitoring, and offering the option for out-of-hospital initiation of treatment.

As this was the first larger report about the clinical outcomes of this new approach, an all-comers study design was used to enroll a variety of patients, including IHCA and OHCA patients, shockable and non-shockable rhythms, prolonged CCPR duration up to >100 min, and all ages.

The overall survival rate at hospital discharge was 42.0%, and 79% of surviving patients demonstrated favorable neurological recovery at 90 days (CPC 1+2 survival at 90 days: 33%).

Furthermore, severe, life-limiting, causative cardiac disease was observed in 13% of the patients.

Overall survival for IHCA was 52% and survival with CPC 1+2 at 90 days was 41%. For OHCA, overall survival was 35% and CPC 1+2 survival at 90 days was 28%. Of note, overall survival of OHCA patients cannulated pre-hospital was 57%.

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