Validation of a Point-of-Care Capillary Lactate Measuring Device
Lactate Pro 2 had good agreement with the reference method using arterial blood but poorer agreement using venous blood. Our results show the potential for overestimation of the lactate values in haemodynamically compromised patients.
The levels of lactate in capillary blood from the fingertip and earlobe were 47 and 27% higher, respectively, than arterial lactate in intensive care patients.
The earlobe may be a better sample site than the fingertip in haemodynamically compromised patients.
There was no significant difference in measured lactate between Lactate Pro 2 and the reference method using arterial blood in either the healthy volunteers or the intensive care patients.
Capillary lactate measurement in the fingertip and earlobe of intensive care patients was 47% and 27% higher, respectively, than the corresponding arterial blood lactate.